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The Oxford SWIFT Spectrograph

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Team Members

Prof. Niranjan Thatte is the PI of the SWIFT project. He has extensive experience in the field of integral field spectroscopy and has worked on numerous IFU projects; most recently SPIFFI (the IFS of SINFONI) and HARMONI for the E-ELT.
Dr. Matthias Tecza is responsible for the design and development of the entire instrument optics, including the image slicer for SWIFT. He also takes on the role as system engineer and played a major role during the assembly, testing, integration, and commissioning phase of the project. Matthias has acquired a lot of experience with integral field spectrographs and developed a new type of image slicer for his doctorate. He was reponsible for the design and development of SPIFFI.
Dr. Fraser Clarke is a postdoctoral fellow in the SWIFT team. Fraser got his PhD in astrophysics from the University of Cambridge in 2002. His thesis focused on observational studies of brown dwarfs and extra-solar planets. Fraser moved to a postdoctoral position with ESO at Paranal. He came to Oxford in April 2004 bringing with him experience of instrument operations at large telescopes, data reduction and analysis. Fraser is the project manager of the SWIFT project.
Dr. Ryan Houghton is a postdoctoral fellow in the astrophysics department. Ryan got his D.Phil degree at Oxford, working with Roger Davies and Niranjan Thatte on AO assisted observations of black holes in nearby galaxies. He is the driving force behind the SWIFT data reduction pipeline.
Dr Tim Goodsall is a post-doctoral research assistant working on astronomical instrumentation and high redshift galaxy dynamics. He completed his DPhil in Oxford in April 2009.
Lisa Fogarty is a Marie Curie Excellence Grant funded postgraduate research student working with the SWIFT project. Lisa is Irish and began her DPhil in October 2006. She is supervised by Niranjan Thatte. Her thesis work involves observations of galaxies at z ~ 1.5 with SWIFT.
Graeme Salter is a STFC funded postgraduate research student who started on the SWIFT project on October 2007. He is supervised by Niranjan Thatte. He has played a major role in the assembly of SWIFT, and is also exploiting synergies with the SWIFT project for high contrast observations with IFS.
James Lynn is the chief mechanical designer of the SWIFT project. Jim has designed most of the mechanics and moving mechanisms of the SWIFT spectrograph, including some innovative ideas for optics mounts. He is assisted by Matthew Brock
Matthew Brock is the mechanical designer in charge of the cryostats and the detector assemblies for the SWIFT project. The SWIFT cryostats are a custom, in-house design and fabrication due to extremely tight space constraints.
Site © 2009, The University of Oxford Physics Department. Comments about this website: email   n.thatte1@physics.ox.ac.uk.