From time to time we will  put links that might be interesting here...

Teaching Biological Physics

We are involved in teaching the 4th year Major Option Biological Physics, the Short Option Introduction to Biological Physics and the Biophysics Practical course. Teaching materials for the Short Option can be downloaded from here. Richard Berry is the senior physics tutor at St Catherine's College.  St Catz takes ~8 new physics undergraduates each year.  There's more on how to apply on the college and Physics Department web-sites.

Graduates can join the group either via the sub-department of Condensed Matter Physics or the Doctoral Training Centre at the Life Sciences Interface (DTC).  There is also a new DTC in Systems Biology involving collaborating labs.

Seminar Series
Bionanotechnology IRC seminar series
Oxford Condensed Matter Physics Seminars

Some other groups who look at related things...
Howard Berg (Lots of great movies of swimming bacteria)
Justin Molloy (optical tweezers, single-molecule fluorescence.  Justin used to be in York
Judith Armitage (Bacterial Chemotaxis - we collaborate closely on many flagellar motor projects)
Hywel Morgan (We collaborate on electrorotation of bacterial flagella and membrane proteins in chips)
Aki Ishijima (We collaborate on torque and speed measurements of the flagellar motor)

Useful information:
A guide to optical microscopy

Medline (search biomedical journals)
Structures of chemicals
PDB - (protein database, structures)

Academic Institutions
Oxford University
St Catherine's College

last updated: 05 November 2014