Page 100, in the penultimate line of Section 4.1.1, “more more” should simply be “more”. [With thanks to Yishui Zhou.]
Page 144, eqn. (5.85). The factor coth(βћωs) should be coth(βћωs/2). [With thanks to Toby Perring.]
Page 204, eqn. (6.74). There is a missing bracket ")" in the second term on the right-hand side. It should read
MS(Q)·PS. [With thanks to Miska Elliot.]
Page 285. A factor of ћ (hbar) is missing from the denominators of eqns (8.109) lines 3 and 4, (8.110) and (8.111). [With thanks to Asbjørn Preuss.]
Page 304, eqn. (8.188). In the expression for Sαα(q,ω), the factor |tan qa| should be |tan qa/2|.
Note that the expression is for magnon creation only. [I spotted this one myself.]
Page 334 Change "archeology" to "archaeology", which is the more usual spelling (also on pvii).
Also, change "artefacts" to "objects" (artefacts are from humans, whereas palaeontology is concerned with animal and plant fossils). [With thanks to Alex Rodzinka.]
Page 346, Table 10.1. The value of b2 for a cylinder should be –0.375.
These coefficients are taken from Rouse (1970), where b2 was incorrectly printed as –0.0375. [My spot again!]