Digital Holographic microscopy:


2.5 MB MP4     1.4 MB AVI

Inline holographic movie and 3D reconstruction of a population of swimming E. coli.
(not yet published)


3.7 MB MP4     2.5 MB AVI

Digital re-focussing through the 3D volume reconstructed from one frame of an in-line holographic movie of a population of swimming E. coli. 70 microns focal depth in 0.5 micron steps.  The movie starts in the plane of the hologram.
(not yet published)


3.0 MB MP4     2.0 MB AVI

Inline holographic movie and 3D reconstruction of Brownian Motion of polystyrene beads.
(not yet published)

Bacterial Flagellar motor:


250 kB AVI

1 micron beads spinning on E. coli flagellar motors, real speed.
paper (first of many to use this method)


2.6 MB AVI

A 200 nm fluorescent bead spinning with 26 steps per revolution on a sodium-driven chimeric flagellar motor. 30x slower than real speed, video recorded at 2400 frames per second.



A 100 nm gold bead spinning at 900 Hz on a sodium-driven chimeric flagellar motor. 2000x slower than real speed, video recorded at 100,000 frames per second using laserdark-field microscopy.


640 kB MPG             140 kB MPG

E. coli cells expressing GFP-labelled motor protein MotB. The same two cells are shown in fluorescence (left, slowed x2) and bright-filed (right, real speed). Photobleaching of the motor allows counting of the number of MotB molecules


3.6 MB AVI

Swimming E. coli with fluorescently labelled flagella and  bundle formation disrupted by streptavidin binding to biotin-labelled flagellar hooks.
(not yet published)



Simulation of conformational spread in the Flagellar rotor, as a mechanism for co-ordinated switching of the motor.



395kB AVI

A 60 nm gold bead attached to an F1-ATPase molecule from Yeast, spinning with 3 steps per rev, viewed with laser darkfield microscopy. Slowed down 200x.
microscope paper    (yeast F1 paper not yet published)


75kB AVI      2.8MB AVI

A pair and a triplet of 500 nm polystyrene beads attached to an F1-ATPase molecule from E. coli,  viewed with bright-field microscopy. Real speed.
(not yet published)


Optical traps and Electrorotation:


4.8 MB .avi (Higher magnification: 2.3 MB AVI)

Electrorotation of a 1 micron polystyrene bead, decorated with 0.2 micron beads, held in an optical trap.


1.6 MB .mov  (Higher magnification: 1.7 MB .mov)

Electrorotation of a tethered E. Coli cell.
paper (last of several to use this method)


4.9MB MOV      1.9MB MPG

Pushing a tethered E. coli motor slowly backwards with an optically trapped 1 micron polystyrene bead.

last updated: 11 September 2012